Create database manually in oracle 10g
Create database manually in oracle 10g

create database manually in oracle 10g

I'll just need to monitore the lop apply process and start it to apply archived log files received

create database manually in oracle 10g

So eventhough the system admin shutdown the database server at OS level without letting me know, tha standby should continue receiving archived log files.

create database manually in oracle 10g

the only thing is that the standby database startup a read-only mode, defautl with oracle 10g this is fine for me, because the MRP is stopped but the log shipping is not stopped. Now When I shutdown the whole system and start it up, the standby database startup. Step 3: Change the Oracle service to start when the OS startĬ:\ ORADIM -new -sid ORCL -SRVC OracleServiceORCL -STARTMODE auto -SRVCSTART system -SPFILE Step 2: Rename the INITORCL.ORA TO SAVE_DATE_INITORCL.ORAĮxample: the C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INITORCL.ORA becameĬ:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\SAVE_24072007_INITORCL.ORA

create database manually in oracle 10g

SQL> CREATE SPFILE='C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\SPFILEORCL.ORA' FROM PFILE='C:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\DB_1\DATABASE\INITORCL.ORA' Step 1: create a newly spfile from the current pfile Maybe I didn't explain exactly what I was expecting with the standby database, these steps are what I did, to resolve the issueĮNABLE THE STANDBY DATABASE TO STARTUP FROM SPFILE 1.7K Training / Learning / Certification.165.3K Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition).7.8K Oracle Database Express Edition (XE).3.7K Java and JavaScript in the Database.

Create database manually in oracle 10g